About this Episode
Dan and James discuss a recent paper on intranasal oxytocin and spirituality
Some of the topics discussed:
- A summary of a recent paper on oxytocin and spirituality
- Why within-subject designs are a better choice for oxytocin research
- The physiology of nasal administration
- How do you control for differences in nasal environment
- Hypothesis-driven vs. exploratory research
- Oxytocin pathway gene
- ANCOVA and Lord's paradox (yep, it's called that)
- Dan applauding the authors for posting ALL their data online
- James disagrees with Dan on approaches to pre-registering studies
- James promises never to chew during a recording (sorry!)
- Producing research vs. actually reading other people's research
- Our first citation (sort of)
- How the replication crisis is the fact that we're not doing any
- Heart rate variability in oysters (and other animals)
- The paper
- Dan's blog post on intranasal oxytocin administration considerations
- Dan's paper on the promise and pitfalls of intranasal administration
- The data from the paper
- Our first (blog post) citation
- Can we replicate the replication crisis?
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