Everything Hertz

Methodology, scientific life, and bad language.

About the show

Methodology, scientific life, and bad language. Co-hosted by Dr. Dan Quintana (University of Oslo) and Dr. James Heathers (Cipher Skin)

Everything Hertz on social media


  • 22: Pokemon and public health

    August 3rd, 2016  |  59 mins 15 secs

    Pokemon Go is sweeping the world and getting people walking again! But is the Pokemon Go 'model' a golden opportunity to tackle obesity or just another fad?

  • 21: This is your brain on steroids

    July 22nd, 2016  |  58 mins 17 secs

    Dan and James discuss a new paper that compared brain structure in long-term steroid users and non-using weightlifters

  • 20: Sample sizes in psychology studies

    July 13th, 2016  |  1 hr 1 min

    Can psychologists learn more by studying fewer people?

  • 19: Let us spray: oxytocin and spirituality

    July 6th, 2016  |  47 mins 24 secs

    Dan and James discuss a recent paper on intranasal oxytocin and spirituality

  • 18: Data sharing

    June 29th, 2016  |  51 mins 28 secs

    Withholding data: bad science or scientific misconduct?

  • 17: Journals: Do we need them?

    June 22nd, 2016  |  51 mins 2 secs

    Do we really need scientific journals?

  • 16: What makes a good psych study?

    June 15th, 2016  |  49 mins 10 secs

    What are the defining characteristics of a good psychology study?

  • 15: Software and coding

    June 8th, 2016  |  45 mins 27 secs

    Dan and James discuss software and coding, including the tools they use

  • 14: Science communication

    June 2nd, 2016  |  32 mins 49 secs

    Dan and James discuss public engagement, science communication, and the internet outrage machine.

  • 13: Academic horror stories

    May 26th, 2016  |  52 mins 12 secs

    Dan and James discuss a few academic horror stories sent in by their listeners.

  • 12: Reporting heart rate variability studies

    May 22nd, 2016  |  59 mins 51 secs

    Dan and James discuss their latest paper, in which they propose heart rate variability reporting guidelines. They also talk about saunas (why not?) and why the concept of 'sympathovagal balance' should be abandoned.

  • 11: The placebo effect

    May 10th, 2016  |  43 mins 38 secs

    James and Dan discuss issues surrounding the placebo effect

  • 10: Failure

    May 4th, 2016  |  50 mins 29 secs

    James and Dan talk about failure. What's the benefit of openly sharing your failures - is this an antidote to the imposter syndrome or something only the privileged few can afford to do?

  • 9: What happens if your research is wrong?

    April 28th, 2016  |  51 mins 46 secs

    James and Dan discuss what happens if your research is wrong. They talk about the recent controversy surrounding tDCS, why many people don't hold negative results to the same scrutiny as positive results, and the "hype cycle" of research.

  • 8: The PhD to Postdoc transition

    April 20th, 2016  |  50 mins 48 secs

    James and Dan discuss how to navigate the PhD to Postdoc transition. They provide advice to a hypothetical first-year graduate student and also discuss the realities of the postdoc job market.

  • Episode 7: 7: The writing process

    April 15th, 2016  |  49 mins 52 secs

    How do you write a lot and do it well? In this e…